The date of the book is also quite uncertain, though several scholars have ascribed it to the 3rd century.
Today, however, most scholars ascribe give him a 10 year reign from 1401 to 1391 BC, within a small margin of error.
Aside from these five, there are a few other extant manuscripts that some scholars have ascribed to the group.
Increasingly, critical scholars ascribe the epistle to an early follower writing as Paul.
All the contributions to the theory of Roman imperialism which modern scholars have ascribed to Panaetius are of course pure products of the imagination.
Formerly credited also with four plays, modern scholars only ascribe a tragedy and possibly a comedy to her.
The author's Latin is at times notoriously opaque, which some scholars have ascribed to lack of training and skill.
The nature of the distinction within Middle Chinese is disputed, with some scholars ascribing it to a medial and others to the main vowel.
Most scholars ascribe it to some time after the sixth century B.C.
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