'Jesus of Nazareth', as most biblical scholars would now readily concur, is a mistranslation of the original Greek phrase 'Jesus the Nazarean'.
Biblical scholars concur that this incident - manifestly an important one in Jesus's career and calculated to attract maximum attention among his contemporaries - served a very specific purpose.
The author of Acts identifies himself as a man named Luke, and modern scholars concur that he is identical with the author of Luke's Gospel.
In fact, modern biblical scholars concur that the letter ascribed to Jude is of too late a date to have been written by any contemporary of Jesus.
Several legal scholars concurred.
Although Paris and the unidentified authorities whom he consulted probably relied on "folk etymology," modern scholars generally concur with this derivation.
Most scholars concur that such extended passages require the use of quotation marks.
Petty Thoughts- 1898 Most scholars concur that Montrose's career ended in 1898 after "Petty Thoughts" was published.
Most scholars concur that Scandinavia is meant.
Despite its mutilated state, scholars generally concur that the scene represents the Amazon invasion of Attica.