But Rabbi Joshua rebuked the walls, telling them not to interfere with scholars engaged in a halachic dispute.
According to Diana Muir, Nelson is "one of a group of scholars engaged in the enterprise of re-evaluating the origins of modern political theory".
The University is a vigorous community of scholars engaged in the generation and diffusion of knowledge.
During this time he was one of the few scholars engaged in the study of public finance.
By drawing on a vast pool of international and national expertise, the Harris Institute fosters collaboration, continuous dialogue and exchange among scholars and practitioners engaged in international or comparative work.
Research: supporting interdisciplinary research among leading scholars engaged in the educational and developmental aspects of new media innovation.
Western legal concepts, including that of human rights, were introduced into Japan by distinguished foreign scholars engaged by the Ministry.
An active community of scholars engaged in ethnic studies, social history, and linguistic analysis uses the French Institute collection.
In practice, how would this line of criticism change the work of biblical scholars engaged in the search for the historical Jesus?
The standard cross-cultural sample is a sample of 186 cultures, used by scholars engaged in cross-cultural studies.