Some scholars thus hypothesize that mention of Bethuel in Gen. 24:50 was a late addition to the preexisting story.
But if generational events affected partisanship, some scholars hypothesized that lesser political, social, and economic issues might as well.
Although some scholars hypothesize that gnosticism developed before or contemporaneous with Christianity, no gnostic texts have been discovered which pre-date Christianity.
Many people wonder what heaven is like - so many, in fact, that philosophers and scholars over the years have hypothesized about how heaven on Earth can be achieved.
Earlier scholars hypothesized about the form of the Ciconiae based on comparative imagery.
Certain scholars hypothesized ties with Hieratic, Cuneiform, or even an independent creation, perhaps inspired by some other writing system.
Thus, some scholars hypothesize that "new franchise systems which employ master franchising are more likely to fail than are other new franchise systems."
Some scholars hypothesize that both Frigg and Freyja may have their origin in a Common Germanic goddess.
Containing Romanesque inscriptions, some scholars hypothesize that the stone itself was originally a Celtic sculpture.
Several scholars have hypothesized that Proto-Indo-European was an Ergative language.