However, based on certain aspects of his writing style, scholars have surmised that he may not have been Arab.
Little is known about his childhood although scholars surmise that he received the usual education for children of his time; he would have attended a Qur'an school and memorized the entire Qur'an.
It's not crucial to know every detail in Shakespeare's plays, nor what scholars surmise he meant by every obscure word (to us, anyway) of difficult passage.
Judging from the titles and fragments, scholars have surmised that most, if not all, of these poems were tragic in nature (although Pliny the Younger does rank him among the erotic poets).
Moronobu was not the "founder" of ukiyo-e, as some early scholars surmised.
Though the preface initially states Luke's intentions for writing, by closely examining the contents of the work as a whole, scholars have surmised that Luke's purpose is much more complex.
Because apprenticeships generally ended when the apprentice turned 24 (the minimum age for London freemen), scholars surmise that Wolfe was born around 1548.
One modern scholar surmises that Hesiod may have learned about world geography, especially the catalogue of rivers in Theogony (ll.
However, as with some of his early and late plays, scholars have long surmised that Shakespeare might have collaborated with another playwright.