Although he has always taken his collecting seriously, only recently has Mr. Moss approached his santos in scholarly fashion.
But it was Francis Galton, an English scientist and pioneering eugenicist, who brought the method into scholarly fashion.
And then he places it down in his article in such a scholarly fashion, to make it seem that this is fact.
He is obsessed with the course of his future, and speaks in a formidable, scholarly fashion, sprinkling his sentences with quotations in Latin and Greek.
The life, kingdom, wisdom, wealth, royal buildings, character, and death of Solomon are treated in a scholarly fashion; five indices are added as helps to the student.
He expresses a specific vision by combining vivid colors in a less than scholarly fashion.
She wrote well, in the standard, scholarly legal fashion of long sentences filled with large words.
He was handsome, Crysania saw, in a serious, scholarly fashion.
He approached the larger lives in a scholarly fashion, and quoted many documents, often now vanished, that remain invaluable to art historians.
From time to time I seem to hear the goat part of it commenting in scholarly fashion on something or other, and that, too, I recognize.