Membership in the society is based on scholastic standing, extracurricular participation, and demonstration of Franciscan spirit.
They must be in the upper third of their class in general scholastic standing, either for the year of their election or for the cumulative total of all high school work.
In 1912, he graduated from Columbia Law School, the winner of the Ordronneaux Prize for the third-year student with the best scholastic standing throughout law school.
During the 1940s, students were permitted one designated weekend per month "provided scholastic standing and conduct warrant it."
Under the guidance of Edward H. Reichel, the school was enlarged and attained a notable scholastic standing.
As for scholastic standing, the schools they serve include large state universities as well as superselective and prestigious private colleges - in short, something for just about everyone.
One of the most important people in the school's history, Dr. Ganong purchased the facility in 1912 and built it into an internationally recognized institution of high scholastic standing.
He was also one of two Notre Dame athletes to receive the school's jewel in 1915 for highest scholastic standing.
At the reception, every faculty member, their subordinates, then every student, all in order of their rank and scholastic standing, filed past her.
To evaluate the scholastic standing of students, the following points are assigned to grades.