The 2008 carnival saw the school represented in the same sports as the previous year with the inclusion of a girl's basketball and a speech and debating team.
High school and college clubs as well as professional pundits routinely debated their respective merits.
Their school of theology, which grew more liberal and even rationalistic, forcefully debated the official Dutch Reformed state church and other Christian denominations.
Many schools of thought have debated the idea of duty.
Even as schools debate the best way to teach the arts, many educators say they worry that despite the current commitment, the future of arts education will depend largely on the economy.
Subsequently the school debated the possibility of motion and other such fundamental questions.
Hinduism's various philosophical schools have debated whether the human soul (Sanskrit atman) is distinct from, or identical to, Brahman, the divine reality.
Later Greek schools of philosophy, such as the Epicureans and Stoics, debated the conditions of the good life.
The school won prizes in the recitation of Bhagavadgeeta, in essay writing, and in elocution and debating competitions.
Regardless, after the adoption of a Native American mascot, the school debated changing the name and mascot in the 1970s out of sensitivity to Native Americans.