All teach in small groups with an emphasis on adapting to the individual rather than requiring conformity to a school ethos.
It is by acts of thoughtfulness that the school ethos is reinforced.
The programmes, funded by the Scottish Office, are described as promoting school ethos.
Alan also is well versed in the public school ethos of fair play and never knowingly uses his position against Phil.
If there are ways of state schools achieving better results in new ways using a private school ethos, let's investigate them!
The school ethos was mainly concerned with turning out well-educated, potential wives of professional able-bodied men.
Do schools pay sufficient attention to the match between the taught health education curriculum and the hidden curriculum of the school ethos?
The school ethos remains undiluted, if a little more democratic.
The school ethos is "Keep broad-minded and wise, learn practically".
He points out that "in the days of the public school ethos, 'cad' meant a lot."