Mr. Cuomo did not name the schools involved.
The question linked to a Dec. 8 article about college students with mental illness asked if the schools should involve parents in the students' treatment.
The most important question the courts would ask, he said, would be whether the program was intended to benefit the religious schools involved.
The school involves a wide range of musical talent which is represented in the many musical groups held throughout the week.
While the school involves great interaction with the children, it has no class rooms sometimes causing distractions.
Vikidia helps children to contribute, and some schools and teachers have involved their class to write articles as a school project.
A good school will involve teachers, parents and children in the design of the curriculum.
And why not get the school involved?
The school involves tuitions from pre-nursery levels up to the 10th grade (matriculation).
The suits cost the schools involved $2.2 million in the first four months of litigation.