In 1990, the school launched and intensified the program on adopting an area where less privileged people live.
In 2009, the school launched a $2.5 million campaign to create a multi-purpose field.
Permission for a new gym had been granted in 1999, and the school launched a £1.5 million appeal to build it.
In 2010, the school launched a contest to choose one.
The school has launched a three-year program to restructure the teaching learning environment.
By 1930, two years after the school had launched, there were 25 pupils.
However, the school survived and launched on a new period of steady growth in the post-war era.
In the academic year 2010-11, the school will launch a new third middle-school stream.
In June 2012 the school launched a consultation on the possibility of converting to an academy.
Soon after, the school launched a major reconstruction project to replace the destroyed buildings.