The group later turned out to be engaged in a high school prank.
Easy," Jeffrey said, grinning like we were planning a school prank.
The school prank resulted in the release of a swarm of 80,000 bees.
In 1990, a high school prank defaced the S to read as "91" in honor of their graduating class.
The sheriff tells him about a high school prank gone wrong, resulting in the entire school burning down.
Some students called it an assault; others said it was just a stupid high school prank, fueled by alcohol.
Medical school pranks can get rather elaborate on occasion.
They thought it was a med school prank so they didn't check it out until the morning shift came in.
The board termed the incident "no school prank but a serious matter deserving serious sanctions."
Most likely the information had nothing to do with high school pranks or library fines.