When his father came to the school recital expecting to see a young man in top hat and tails, he found him in tights.
They were about to perform on the 100-year-old stage in year-end school recitals and dance performances.
He was not there for Little League games, school recitals, graduations, or weddings, she said.
He started performing when he was seven years old as a flamenco dancer in elementary school recitals.
The digital file stored in the recorder appeared to have been taken at a children's school recital, and was of poor quality, he said.
Beforehand, Michael had performed onstage without his father's knowledge at several school recitals starting at five.
And forget about school recitals and tenderhearted social rescue missions.
As a young teen Laura sang at school recitals and local talent competitions.
She took part in the school recitals while taking ballet lessons between 1991-1993.
Mr. Kim composed a piano piece that a young virtuoso performed at a school recital, she said.