The school strives to tailor its programs and services to meet the special needs of a diverse student body that numbers more than 6,000.
The school strives to live up to its four A's: academics, activities, arts, and athletics.
As of 2010, secondary schools are striving towards only 15 pupils per class.
The school strives to maintain contacts with the local community.
Not only does it provide rigorous academic training, the school also strives to inculcate human values in the students.
The school is concerned with the human element and strives to develop the potential of each student.
Officials also predict that individual schools will strive to improve since they must now compete to attract students.
The school strives to help each child build a strong self-image.
The breakfasts served in school generally strive to meet most, if not all, these nutrient needs.
The school strives to attain racial, economic, and cultural diversity.