"He's got school-age kids and he wants a commitment to the future," Sheehy said yesterday.
When Dave arrived, he proceeded to tell me about all the school-age kids who were on the bus during the noon hour.
Young Parliament: a unique step in the direction of teachers and school-age kids.
"It's more difficult to work with the high school-age kids," he said.
"How could you leave your kids here, that are school-age kids, unattended?"
This isn't a polite suggestion, and in a house with two school-age kids and one baby it can be quite the job.
Kids too young for school play in tiny yards or the street, and knots of school-age kids stand on the corners.
Discover fun and useful tools to use when shopping with school-age kids as you help them learn skills for a lifetime.
Learn easy ways to boost healthy diet and exercise habits with school-age kids.
Broadly defined as suburban white women with school-age kids, they add up to 11 percent or 12 percent.