And the proportion of school-age students taking that route has risen sharply.
By 1942, there were 63,238 school-age students, with 54,655 registered, and 1,613 instructors in 76 buildings.
On June 30, 1949, there were 73,972 school-age students in the district boundaries, with 49,825 registered for school.
High school-age students are not mature enough to grasp the subtleties of some material, he says.
At first, only classes for kindergarten through ninth grade were provided; later, the school also opened to high school-age students.
Most school-age students in a general education classroom spend at least 80 percent of their school time in this setting.
It had classrooms in an adjacent building for gifted pre-school and school-age students.
Learning Centers reach into communities around the globe, engaging more than 400,000 middle school-age students and 40,000 educators each year.
The special area is usually within a library's children's section, which traditionally had been reserved for school-age students.
But I chose to take the risk and have my high school-age students read it as well.