It was influenced by Germany and Japan in the 20th century, who, by 1930, had made around half the school-aged population enrolled in a school.
From the 1950s through the early 1980s, educational enrollments expanded faster than the rate of population growth as a whole and, for most of that period, faster than the school-aged population.
They favored handing out the money in block grants based on school-aged population, while Democrats wanted the money distributed according to need, so that states and districts with the highest poverty levels would get the most money.
The number of school-aged children was expected to grow at an average annual rate of 4.3 percent by 1995, increasing the school-aged population by 50 percent.
In 1931, residents of the Foothills organized the Catalina Foothills School District to serve the local school-aged population.
As the town grew, so did its school-aged population.
School districts have the sole responsibility to instruct the school-aged population of the Commonwealth.
The Gates foundation estimates that with 10,000 new schools, about 10 times what it plans on creating itself, the nation will only be able to keep pace with the growth in the school-aged population over the next decade.
Adult literacy classes also reached beyond the traditional school-aged population.
The school-aged population of both Kuwaitis and non-Kuwaitis represented 24 percent of the total population in 2005.