The little tunny is typically a schooling species.
Because it is a schooling species, it is not unusual for an individual to be caught many times during a single session.
The bigeye trevally is a schooling species, known to form aggregations consisting of more than 1500 fish.
There will be times when schooling species such as yellow perch congregate below one tip-up.
It is a schooling anadromous species that inhabits marine waters, probably never far from land.
The least chub is a schooling species that prefers areas of dense vegetation in slow-moving water.
This schooling species is a scale-eater, plucking scales from other fishes.
The slender smooth-hound is likely a schooling species.
It feeds on benthic animals and small schooling species.
It is not a schooling species and may be aggressive towards others of its species, so is usually kept alone.