Mennear comfortably retained his seat, but was replaced as schools chief by Labour's Heather Johnson.
The Mayor said he wanted a schools chief "with a fire in his belly."
The schools chief said the 1986 'Top Structure Review' by Coopers and Lybrand was an internal administration document which would not be published.
The board has been formally looking for a new schools chief since March, after a bitter 4-to-3 vote against renewing the contract of Joseph Fernandez.
City officials and community leaders were enraged by the move, accusing the schools chief of bad faith, of failing to deliver needed resources and of playing politics.
Finally, the district had compiled the Platonic ideal of a schools chief.
Real estate people call it nice, residents call it friendly, and the schools chief calls his students unusually civic-minded.
A16 Detroit's schools chief was hired by a for-profit schools company.
Linda Davis is the interim schools chief in San Francisco.
It has also begun to forge partnerships with the city's schools chief and its business leaders.