The institution's original science director, David Pearson, returned to the position in 2007.
At this institute, there are six "science directors" who run staffs based on contracts and who are paid 30 percent more for developing market forecasts.
In 2005 the Center received a $2-million gift to endow a chair for the Center's medical science director.
Yesterday, Stephen Pretanik, the council's science director, said the industry was already sharing those test results with the Agriculture Department.
The city's science director pretends he is handling a training aid, and is able to do the same.
Bruce Banner is made the new science director, attempting to duplicate the super soldier serum.
But Dr. Olivier Rabin, science director for the agency, said only one metabolite is needed to have a positive test.
He became science director of the institution in 2000, and served until 2007.
Greenpeace's science director, Jeremy Leggett, said: "We need a paradigm shift.
Dr. Kimbel is the institute's science director.