Irvin and Martin's assessment techniques have been in great demand abroad, even as the British science establishment closes ranks against it.
Eventually, those restrictions may have to be eased to keep the nation's laboratories working, some in the science establishment contend.
I had the chance to build a whole new science establishment and do it right.
After the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949, China reorganized its science establishment along Soviet lines.
That point is not yet widely understood by the science establishment, which is still prone to blame only the individual miscreant.
They have outmaneuvered people in the nation's science establishment who wanted to see the fruits of genetic research harvested quickly.
In addition there have been hardly any Nobel laureates in science who have conducted the path-breaking research in a native science establishment.
We have an outstanding science establishment and we keep a close watch on research topics that are likely to be of critical interest to our survival.
In addition, successive changes in orientation, structure and funding of the civilian science establishment brought new strains and problems not anticipated by the reform leadership.
Later, senior researchers in some science establishments lost their security of job tenure.