Subjects covered include (but are not limited to) political science, economics, history, language, geography and cultural issues of the region.
But contemporary biomedical sciences do include procedures that might have been deemed 'unnatural' in the past.
A new science of disaster relief must include treatments that go beyond the current models pitting one set of needs against another.
This science includes the study of sick tissue.
The physical sciences include fields such as astronomy, chemistry, earth science, mathematics, and physics.
Righting the record thus involves rewriting history and the social sciences to include women.
Biological sciences also include botany, the study of plants.
Over time, however, research has expanded from this focus on applied natural sciences to include all disciplines of the university.
Occupational science now includes university-based academic programs leading to undergraduate and graduate degrees in the field.
This new science included the study of "consumer nutrition" and environmental education.