She followed recipes with scientific exactitude, measuring and combining ingredients as carefully as a bombmaker handling explosive, unstable chemicals.
His sampling techniques may lack scientific exactitude - he uses notices, mass media publicity and networking to draw in subjects for testing - but they fill him with enough confidence to generalize.
It's not a bunch of dispassionate rationalists applying the law with scientific exactitude, but just a bunch of people doing the best they can with imperfect information.
There can be no doubt, however, that the majority of these Japanese rules are nearer scientific exactitude than the rules of Moses, or than the ordinary practice of modern life.
In Newtonian fashion, he brought a scientific exactitude for measurement into natural history and even alluded to concepts that are the foundation of a modern ecological law on species-to-area relationships.
Its body is rendered with scientific exactitude, but its somnolent face, exalted and troubled, is withdrawn, out of reach, lost in reverie.
Argumentative, a loner and toward the end of his life a dogged anti-Semite, Degas strove for a kind of scientific exactitude in many of his painting that can appear chilling and sometimes cruel.
One of the major Eastern European poets to emerge after World War II, Mr. Holub was celebrated for his surreal mixture of scientific exactitude and absurdist humor.
"I step up," Dr. Rosser said in his characteristic blend of hip-hop swagger and scientific exactitude.
For all the scientific exactitude, the coded list of past caucus-goers, the nightly tracking polls, there is still an element of superstition to it all, of omens and portents.