Other creation scientists have held that the search for oil, gas, and mineral deposits has been confounded for years by mistaken scientific orthodoxies.
For above all, Satan has been employed as a power tool in the enforcement of orthodoxy: religious, political, social, scientific.
In the main, the reaction of the scientific orthodoxy was to dismiss the suggestion as too much at odds with established notions and find arguments to show why it couldn't happen.
So I'd recommend Doris Lessing's five-part Children of Violence series: rich in provocations, sceptical about scientific orthodoxies, beautifully written.
The revelation that "a lot of water" is raining down from space could be a mortal blow to the scientific orthodoxy concerning the origin of the sea.
Leaders of the movement say intelligent design exposes the limitations of scientific orthodoxy and of the secular philosophy of naturalism.
As Time was more devious than scientific orthodoxy would have us believe, so was reality still open to question, since Time was one of the terms in its equation.
And of course, they'll go on believing whatever they like, even if a successful TOE is announced; they've never let scientific orthodoxy stand in their way before.
Lyell's presentation and endorsement of the new evidence for human antiquity firmly established the theory as scientific orthodoxy.
The scientists pursuing such paleo-American studies appear to be near the point of crossing from the wilderness of crankdom into the calm civilization of scientific orthodoxy.