But it's difficult to gauge how much of the gains came directly from neural stimulation, putting the issue more in the political than the scientific realm.
Dr. Plotkin admits that he has been less than prolific in the scientific realm of enthnobotany.
Rather, they were structures produced by the extension of gardening into the scientific realm of engineering.
Although she will be deeply missed, her influence and accomplishments will continue to resonate in scientific and public realms.
In the 19th century, scientific realms established the age of the Earth in terms of millions of years.
Mr. Hillman frankly abducts psychology from the scientific and medical realm, claiming it, in Mr. Moore's words, as "an art of the soul."
Mendel helped bring the study of nutrition into the scientific realm.
In the scientific realm, the search for foreign customers and investment partners is no less intense than in tourism.
These new findings and speculations stimulated long lasting discussion and controversy, not limited to the scientific realm.
Therefore, Africa can become as glorious and profoundly advanced in the scientific and technological realm as any, when Africans will it to be.