In June, these students must present their work at a scientific symposium or do a poster session as part of the modeling process.
In 1936, at an international scientific symposium on instinct, Lorenz met his great friend and colleague Nikolaas Tinbergen.
"This was taken several years ago at a scientific symposium on Vulcan," he explained.
He said that the company was joining with other groups to look into the feasibility of an international scientific symposium on the belugas later this year.
Wolfgang Plath published the symphony, now known as the "Odense" symphony, and put it in a scientific symposium for the experts.
Cargill had been in Russia attending a scientific symposium at the Moscow Academy of Sciences.
He also presents scientific symposiums and educational programs.
The announcement of the purchase is to be made today at a scientific symposium on space nuclear power that is held each year in Albuquerque.
STScI hosts an annual scientific symposium held each spring as well as several smaller scientific workshops.
During their scheduled layover and crew change, an international scientific symposium was held with Captain Charles Moore as one of the speakers.