The visitor impact on the park has been scientifically measured.
I don't know how one would measure this scientifically.
You can't measure anything about them scientifically, although, of course, there are genetic differences between the genders.
If you're one of these we'll bring you to London to talk to the scientists and have your cellulite scientifically measured.
Now we have a way to measure that scientifically.
He writes about how the idea that what cannot be scientifically measured does not truly exist fails.
A number of studies have been performed to scientifically measure the impact of prayer, often within a medical setting.
In Left Turn, he scientifically measures the political content of media o..
They often reject the existence of spiritual or supernatural forces since these are difficult to measure or prove scientifically.
Because the drive behind psychoanalysis is looking at a person's subconscious, there is not an accurate way to measure this scientifically.