For the next 150 years, scientists and quacks alike advocated literally hundreds of resuscitation techniques.
Planetary scientists had advocated taking advantage of an opportunity "so great that it should not be missed."
A scientist in China advocated group research, quoting a proverb that says, "Three commoners are better than a saint."
The scientists are not advocating negotiation from weakness, since the Soviets are in much the same fix.
No scientist would advocate keeping scientifically well-founded, differing viewpoints out of the peer-reviewed literature.
No responsible scientist would advocate publishing precise designs for an atomic bomb, and in two ways revealing the sequence for the flu virus is even more dangerous.
For at least three decades, scientists have advocated the return of geological samples from Mars.
Some scientists advocate a psychoanalytic approach that hopes to understand a terrorist's family history and early-life events and the development of the psyche.
Other eminent scientists, like Robert Koch, advocated the submission of malaria through drugs.
In a more recent 2006 study, scientists reviewed and advocated these earlier proposed ideas.