Some scientists assert that low levels of radiation are beneficial to health (this idea is known as hormesis).
But now the scientist in her asserted itself, searching for the flaws.
In the dispute, some scientists now assert that the nation's laser-based microfusion program needs a radical change of course in order to insure success.
French scientists asserted that their tests of other samples showed only the possibility that poison gas was present in some Iraqi missiles.
Some scientists assert that consumption of sweets or sugar could have a heroin addiction like effect.
The Iraqi scientists asserted that the vessel was used to mix chemicals together to produce hydrogen gas.
Using different methods, other scientists assert the worldwide death rate is in double digits.
But many scientists assert that most genetically altered organisms are unlikely to pose a threat.
For years, scientists asserted that because 60-hertz fields can do neither, they could not possibly cause significant changes in the body.
Even the crates in which chickens are shipped may carry the virus, some scientists assert.