Most scientists blame industrialized nations, like the United States, the world's largest producer of heat-trapping gases.
Some scientists blame heat-trapping gases, like carbon dioxide, produced from burning coal and oil.
"Media and scientists blame human activity, but a 120-year-old natural climate shift is the cause."
The scientists involved blame the press and its lurid headlines for giving people the wrong impression about Zeta.
Some scientists blame the proliferation of quaggas, which produce phosphorus-rich waste, a fertilizer for algae.
Uttering one of the few true curses of pure research, the American scientists blamed politics.
Some political scientists blame Israel's new flirtation with American-style primaries as a reason for the infighting.
Most scientists blame people, at least in part, for global warming.
The scientists blame the fishermen, the fishermen blame the scientists and we try to find a way through.
Craker saw the proprietor was flabbergasted, and the scientist didn't blame him.