Burkhard Rost, is a scientist currently heading the Unit for Computational Biology & Bioinformatics at the Department of Informatics of the Technical University of Munich.
Mr. Pottinger, 32, is a senior scientist heading the hydrocarbon management program for Geraghty & Miller Inc., an environmental consulting concern, in Seattle.
Iranian scientist 'heading home'
Inside the aircraft there are no windows; flags inside represent 16 different countries and most people on board are scientists, pilots or racers heading to the South Pole.
It had several scientist and pioneers heading west.
Finally finding a friend in the scientist heading the expedition, Hugo reveals his gifts and origin to him.
It made no difference to the general that they were the civilian scientists heading Project Number.
"I'd much rather see a scientist heading up the museum," said Samuel H. Leff, an anthropologist - and neighborhood gadfly - who studied under Margaret Mead.
A12 Criticism of Drug Findings British scientists heading a major international breast cancer study criticized American researchers for cutting short a trial on the drug tamoxifen and claiming it halves the risk of developing the disease.
The French and South African scientists heading up the study ended it early for ethical reasons.