But more than a dozen coastal scientists from around the country have objected.
I think you both are wrong, objected the scientist.
Many laymen, and some scientists, object to continued adherence to this rule, especially those who work with butterflies and moths.
Some black social scientists object to focusing on the problems of urban youth.
When other scientists objected to the introduction of exotic species, the seeding was restricted to an outlying area.
Yet many scientists have objected to his methods and interpretations, arguing, among other things, that the link between total brain size and intelligence is far from clear.
Some scientists had objected to the mineralization concept, arguing that bony tissues were too dense to allow crystals to form within.
Some scientists object, of course.
Some scientists also object in principle to using the freighted term "culture," which has long been used to denote something peculiarly human.
Sober scientists object to the search program because its enthusiasts, in rationalizing the project, promote magical thinking.