Q. You write that in the 1940's and 50's some scientists opposed patenting their medical discoveries.
Some scientists have opposed a comprehensive genome project, arguing that it would take resources away from other important research.
Today, anthropologists and many social scientists vigorously oppose the notion of cultural evolution and rigid "stages" such as these.
Many senior scientists opposed the project, fearing it would draw federal funds from their own grants.
Some scientists opposed the new theory, and even drank cholera cultures to disprove it:
Indeed, many early scientists (including Jefferson) opposed even the patenting of scientific inventions, since knowledge belonged to humankind.
Not only environmental groups, but also Russian scientists opposed Transneft's planned route.
Many scientists opposed strategic defense on moral or political rather than purely technical grounds.
Some scientists oppose the public project, saying that blindly determining structures, rather than working on proteins of known interest, is neither useful nor intellectually challenging.
Although many scientists opposed his views, those who publicly came out were imprisoned and denounced.