The scientists postulate that, in heavy methane seep scenarios, some of the methane-consuming bacteria may run "in reverse," creating methane from ambient hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
A scientist postulates that the "visible nose represented only one-eighth of the 'real' nose."
They are generally assumed to be hot because of their low seismic velocities, and scientists have postulated that small plumes rise from their surface or their edges.
For years, scientists have postulated the existence of dark matter.
On the basis of this evidence, scientists at the California Institute of Technology postulated in 1978 that the central part of M87 appeared to be dominated by the gravity of a black hole.
Although evidence of alien life has never been documented, scientists such as Carl Sagan have postulated that the existence of extraterrestrial life is very likely.
Nor could the relatively low gravity which Earth's scientists had postulated for their homeworld account for it.
These collisions approximate the first few milliseconds after what scientists postulate was the Big Bang creation of the universe 14 billion years ago.
But scientists have also postulated as many as twelve dimensions, none of which are apparent to us.
"Our scientists have postulated it's a ruptured singularity," M'Yeoh said.