So beautiful is this emotion that some scientists and poets regard it as the elixir of life and pursue it for no other reason.
No other scientists were pursuing the structure with such single-mindedness.
Since the development of DNA technology, scientists have pursued these avenues to answer these questions.
Five years ago, the take was fewer than 100,000 bushels and has rebounded only marginally while scientists have pursued long-term solutions.
At the same time, scientists are pursuing more high-risk, high-payoff approaches to revolutionize diabetes care.
It encourages scientists to pursue the cells they seek without destroying life.
The money is to sustain plant research and help young scientists pursue botanical studies in this country and abroad.
The idea was that scientists would not become bored but pursue their research.
Knowledge enables scientists to propose and pursue interesting questions about data that sometimes don't exist or fully make sense yet.
For years scientists have pursued evidence that aspirin-like drugs may help control the occurrence of polyps in people at risk of colon cancer.