The scientists researching the report recommended three minutes to a side.
Some scientists recommend widespread use of stimulants such as methylphenidate and amphetamines by the general population to increase brain power.
To prevent the worst consequences of global warming, scientists recommend freezing and reducing net global emissions immediately.
The scientists recommend drastic measures to reduce ocean fishing.
The move proved controversial, since the Agency's own scientists and advisory board had recommended lowering the standard to 60 nmol/mol.
But the scientists who conducted the study aren't recommending their strategy as a do-it-yourself treatment for peanut allergy.
To protect foxes, the scientists recommended, eagles may have to be shot.
He really had no choice but to do what the scientists recommended.
Many scientists dispute this and recommend more research with adult stem cells to achieve the same results in curing diseases.
There has been no economic analysis or consultation with the industry and scientists have never recommended a ban on driftnetting.