Aiming to obtain the best possible results, scientists have striven to replace damaged articular cartilage with healthy articular cartilage.
So, perceptual formulae continue to be an active area of development as scientists strive towards the great insight required of a law.
Still other scientists are striving to understand why melanoma defies many of the rules that apply to other cancers.
The scientists of a former day strove mightily to fathom the depth of the spiritual world and their successes and conquests are all but forgotten.
Taxonomic discussions tend to be a bit muddled as scientists strive to classify all the different species on the planet.
Practical studies related to crop and livestock production and farm life gradually delved deeper as scientists strove to understand the underlying biological processes.
With the emergence of such resistant organisms, scientists have striven to discover new antibiotics that are effective against the resistant organisms.
They visited the laboratories, where three hundred scientists and engineers strove to force magnetic, gravitic and vor-tigial fields into the fusion that made star-to-star flight possible.
When a scientist strives to learn something new, the risks include loss of face, loss of resources, loss of time.
All good scientists strive for accuracy and fairness, but historians of science have repeatedly shown that a scientist's background shapes his or her vision.