When scientists talk about the relationship between two variables, they like to use the numbers zero and one.
The scientists who talked with the future people aren't talking.
Around them scientists from all over Mars ate and talked about the events of the morning.
These scientists in 2016 talked the bourgeoisie into paying for a trip to another star!
I agree that scientists shouldn't talk about consensus as proof in itself of something, but the media absolutely should.
But, the unfortunate truth is that this is the way scientists talk.
Many scientists, for example, talked about how common female infidelity is in the animal kingdom.
If the scientist had talked, helped him, revealed everything she knew about what made Natasha special, perhaps he would have let her live.
The action taken in 1997 is now proving even more inadequate as scientists are today talking about a third transmission route.
The future scientists and the men who talked with them.