All three extinctions also coincided with massive volcanic eruptions, so if scientists verify the meteor impacts they would have to explain the highly unlikely coincidences.
Though the insects appear to have been more widespread in the past, scientists have only verified that the creatures are living in the mountains of Namibia.
Digging had borne no fruit, and the scientists verified the fact of the utter vanishment.
There might be 40, but scientists are still verifying the number.
During this time, Dr. Taleyarkhan says, two more scientists came into his laboratory and independently verified bubble fusion.
Using isotope analysis, scientists at the Bavarian archive for geology in Munich analyzed his hair and verified that he was malnourished during his disappearance.
Other scientists verified the claims.
Statistical forecasting by any other name..." "But we have the equipment aboard ship to do sociological projections, and highly trained scientists to interpret and verify the information.
He, for one, strongly disagrees that the scientists have verified that Anatolian was the first to split away from Proto-Indo-European.
The Western scientists visited the experiment and verified the high temperatures and confinement, sparking a wave of optimism for the prospects of the tokamak.