Something flashing scintillating colors flew up into the air.
It was a prismatic sphere, a globe of scintillating colors that the denizens would never penetrate.
The dog froze, midway between the warrior and the dais, and hung there, trapped within a sphere of softly scintillating color.
Throck's gleaming candles were greeted by a display of scintillating colors, reflections from the casement glass.
The museum's exhibition, "Celebrating Color and Fabric," is a festival of scintillating colors.
Elminster turned and fled, covering his retreat with a wall of scintillating colors.
He circled the screens, moving through their scintillating colors like a fish in that river he had imagined.
He was halt-blinded by the scintillating colours around him, which sometimes shone dark blue, silver, and red; sometimes gold, light green, amber.
The quilts are ablaze with scintillating colors and exuberant patterns.
Beyond the transparent membrane the stars blazed with scintillating colors.