The journey was weird - miles of scorched rocks and glowing pits.
He hunched by the edge of the scorched rocks and warmed his hands over them.
There was a smell of scorched rock and steam rising in a cloud from the place it had been.
From the great rough shapes came a scent of scorched rock, and a rumbling that vibrated in the bones like the speech of the moving earth.
Dismembered wooden dummies and patches of scorched rock indicated that Qu and his assistants often came this way.
Flames rose beneath the Tower, and the sounds of screams and a terrible heat and the smell of scorched rock surrounded him.
Twisted metal, scorched rocks, and flaming embers spread outward in a shimmering ripple of debris and gas.
Only a single planet showed on the screen, the data scrolling by indicating that it was nothing more than a scorched rock.
He lifted his head and slowly scanned the nightmare wilderness of scorched rock and ash-gray dust that confronted him.
The journey was weird-miles of scorched rocks and glowing pits.