The damage included smashed windows (four out of six), scorched walls, and lost clothing and furniture.
He'd point out the treasury, and the scorched walls, and the place where they'd thrown convicts-and a few politicians-into the sea.
Back in the doorway he looked down at the soggy, blackened floorboards, the scorched wall, 'It did not burn long' Bess was quiet.
Evidence of fire was clear in scorched walls, piles of blackened ash.
The debris of books, the scorched walls, the charred furniture: what was it saying to him?
Virga glimpsed, for an instant, the scorched walls and towers of Musallim's palace in the distance, above the burned remains of other dwellings.
The fire gutted the home, leaving scorched walls, piles of blackened debris and charred mattresses.
Taking that as hopeful, Robert hoisted him to his knees, then to his feet, and managed to keep him up by leaning him against a scorched wall.
Occasionally a forlorn Dalavan hermit is seen, hanging in a sack from a scorched wall, and election graffiti is splashed over anything left standing.
Graffiti left on the scorched walls suggests the Albanians intended to rebuild the village for themselves.