They score above the national average in spelling, science and social studies.
About 30 percent of San Francisco's black students scored above the national average in reading, language and mathematics.
The results were that 49.2 percent of the students scored at or above the national average, or grade level.
The board said 48.5 percent, not 44.6 percent, scored at or above the national average.
Twenty years ago, only a third of New York City's students scored above the national average.
She reacted to the dare by working harder, she says, and scored above the national average.
The state scored above the national average in all 10 categories measured in the Kids Count survey.
In a recent citywide test, 65.8 percent of the school's third and fifth graders scored at or above the national average.
East is a highly competitive school in which students typically score above the national average on standardized tests.
Approximately 90 percent of incoming freshmen score above the national average on standardized exams.