A high score in "expressed" with a low score in "wanted" corresponds to Choleric.
A high score on both scales corresponds to the Sanguine.
A lower score corresponds to a lower risk of recurrence, and a higher score corresponds to a higher risk of recurrence.
For example, a standard score of 2.58 corresponds to a prediction interval of 99%, corresponding to a probability of 0.5% that a result is at least such far from the mean in the absence of disease.
In the National Assessment of Educational Progress, scores correspond to achievement levels.
A smaller score corresponds to greater freedom of the press.
Low scores on these measures don't necessarily correspond to loneliness, however.
"High scores on Stig-9 correspond with high expectations of negative societal beliefs, feelings, and behaviors towards 'mentally ill' people."
A score of zero or one would correspond to unnoticeable or weak taste intensities, while a higher score would correspond to moderate or strong taste intensities.
If a 40th percentile score corresponds with proficiency, criteria-referenced reports will judge the second student (going from "basic" to "proficient") improved, but not the first.