In an office argument with a drunken cleaning woman, he scornfully called her a red sow.
Within the department, many officers complain that community policing will reduce them from crimefighters to what they scornfully call "social workers with guns."
Mityukha' (so the muzhik scornfully called the innkeeper) 'makes it pay right enough, Konstantin Dmitrich!
Edwina called scornfully.
It was time for one of what Razor liked to scornfully call the lieutenant's encounter groups.
Then, when Mr. Carter offered some military aid to Pakistan after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, President Zia scornfully called the offer peanuts.
On the other hand, he was considered by radicals to be a reactionary serving the elite: Karl Marx scornfully called him a "liberal lick-spittle."
The constitutional nationalists of the time, led by John Redmond, scornfully called the advanced nationalist papers "the mosquito press".
Tanacharison scornfully called it "that little thing upon the meadow" and complained that Washington would not listen to advice and treated the Indians like slaves.