A small scowling man appeared out of nowhere, twisting his mustaches.
We were escorted into a room in which sat a scowling man with a most unprepossessing countenance.
A scowling man strode through the kitchen, eyeing Sally as she scrambled after the potato.
A scowling young man with a thin face stared up at him.
Looking at the old chief, the honest wives, the scowling men and flustered virgins, he sighed.
The scowling man waved Carroll aside, as one too insignificant to be listened to.
He was a broad scowling man who spoke in monosyllables.
The scowling man gave the soldier no attention.
A scowling red-haired man in soiled garments entered the office.
Joe's relief had arrived, a scowling man who looked like Daddy did a day after drinking too much joy juice.