In Onomatopoeia (1985-1986), a screen hangs over spot-lit upright player piano.
A thin screen of boughs hung over the cave's mouth.
The screen, which comes in 72- or 80-inch models, at $4,000 and $4,500, can hang on a wall or stand on its own $800 pedestal.
Two smaller screens hang on either side, and video of the live musicians, or special video packages are shown.
On the far wall, a huge blank screen hung before the rows of empty seats.
From the ceiling hung an octagonal screen where public announcements were broadcast.
Once on that level, they will see video screens, which will advertise store specials, hanging from the 16 foot ceiling.
The screens hang in a circle, with benches for the viewer in the center.
A blinding screen as wide as a shower curtain hung between her and rationality.
The window in Cassie's room was wide open and the screen hung loose.