The court appoints lawyers for the parents, drawing from panels of lawyers who are screened and certified annually.
The film premiered at the Ivy Film Festival and is screened annually during Stanford's reunion weekend.
One of the largest reported studies included 888 BRCA1/2 mutation carriers who were screened annually with TVUS and CA 125.
Dr. Eddy also estimated that if all women age 20 to 74 were screened annually it would cost about $6 billion a year.
For example, the brochure provided to buyers by Residential Warranty says, "Builders are screened annually to ensure their performance remains consistent with membership standards."
After 18 years of follow-up, the incidence of CRC was reduced by 20% in the annually screened arm and 17% in the biennially screened arm.
Persons at high risk for HIV should be screened for HIV at least annually.
The Kolkata International Film Festival is screened annually from November 10-17.
Thirty eight per cent of the annually screened population in the Minnesota study underwent colonoscopy because of the low specificity of the rehydrated guiac slides.
The film continues to be screened annually to incoming freshmen at Harvard College during orientation week.