Diagnoses of autism spectrum disorders have increased significantly in the last decade and are expected to continue to increase as more children are screened early in life.
On November 22, 2010, it was revealed that the movie would be screened early on February 9, 2011 for select viewers.
The programme is made by Green Bay Media for BBC Cymru Wales in partnership with The Open University in Wales and is set to be screened early in 2012.
The pilot was screened early on ABC's website during a promotional tie-in with Amazon Kindle.
In 2009, due to the frequency of pancreatic cancer in her own family, Rae was screened and diagnosed early.
Potential participants in a mental health court are usually screened early on in the criminal process, either at the jail or by court staff such as pretrial services officers or social workers in the public defender's office.
It's important that women get screened early because this is one disease where early detection works.