"Allegations that the post-arrest screening site at Pier 57 was unhealthy or unsafe, or that prisoners were denied food or water, are untrue," Paul J. Browne, a spokesman for Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly, said in an e-mail message.
Not only was the Paris the first screening site in the United States for major offbeat, foreign and independent films, but it also played a major role in the extension of First Amendment rights to include motion pictures.
What's On and Where Here is information about the screening sites mentioned in the accompanying article, including what films are playing this weekend or next week.
Unlike the secret prisons run by the C.I.A. that President Obama ordered closed in January, the military continues to operate the Special Operations camps, which it calls temporary screening sites, in Balad, Iraq, and Bagram, Afghanistan.
And then there's the Walter Reade Theater, the city's most comfortable film-revival space and the major screening site for the New York Film Festival, held there each September.
He charged $125 an evaluation, but would also charge a flat fee - perhaps $10,000 - if he had to travel to a faraway screening site, in California or Hawaii, for example.
This online screening site can be used to identify state and local government benefits and how to apply.
Tom Bernard, co-president of Sony Pictures, said he drove down to Salt Lake City to see "Groove" on little more than a hunch, also hoping that the screening site, an hour away from the festival's Park City headquarters, would keep other distributors away.
To find the nearest screening site, call (800) 405-9200 or, on the Web, consult mentalhealthscreening.org.
Filmmakers have been lavish in their praise of the upgraded technical capabilities at the festival's screening sites, where a few years ago it was sometimes hard even to hear what the actors were saying on the screen.